In addition to their research endeavors, Center members will develop educational resources for students and the community. The Center’s educational initiatives include the popular course “Life101: Mental and Physical Self-Care” (which is now offered to students on all 10 UC campuses and is available on Coursera), as well as the new “Healthspan Sciences” course for both students and the general public. The Center has also started a seminar series that brings expert panelists together to discuss important topics in a way that is accessible to everyone.

A driving principle behind the Center’s educational initiatives is to bring evidencebased research to the wider community, so that individuals can incorporate proven findings and strategies into their daily lives and improve their healthspans.

Life101: Mental & Physical Self-Care

Developed as a course intended to combat the ongoing epidemic of stress, Life101 is intended to teach students healthy habits, the importance of self-care, and how to manage stress both on and off campus. Taught through a combination of lectures, multimedia videos, and discussions, students learn basic lifestyle skills to cope with stress and achieve wellness. You can take the course for FREE through the Coursera online learning platform.

Healthspan Sciences

Originally offered to undergraduate students at UCI, the Healthspan Sciences course is designed to teach the science and practice of evidence-based interventions to enhance human healthspan. The course begins with basic principles of health and then delves into scientific wellness, personalized preventive medicine, and proven practices that can add healthy years to a human life.           

Healthspan Seminar Series

Upcoming Additions! (stay tuned)